Running a social media campaign: simple basics

Today we are sharing with you some very simple basics for running a social media campaign:

  1. Be relevant: adapt your messages to the different type of media you choose. Each social network has a specific focus and different relevant topics. For example, LinkedIn favours content related to professional life, while Twitter is the social network for the latest news. Try to adjust posts to these different angles.

  2. Keep up the pace: post content regularly. The life expectancy of posts is very short nowadays and you need to post a lot to stand out. Find out the days or times when your audience is most likely to see and engage with your content. Based on this information, plan a posting schedule. Consistency is key to an effective campaign. Set success criteria (i.e. your KPIs, Key Performance Indicators) to evaluate the performance of your posts and actions.

  3. Be consistent: use the themes, tone and style determined for your campaign. Consistency in messaging and visual style is essential for the campaign to be memorable and to generate awareness. Resist the temptation to experiment and stray too far from the original style set for the campaign.

  4. Be concise and prioritise information: keep the text on your posts to a minimum and elaborate on your points in the captions if necessary. The messages you put forward should be short, punchy and easy to understand.

  5. Solve any potential misunderstandings: before posting, read the posts carefully and be aware of words that may offend and signs that could be misinterpreted.

  6. Remain vigilant: stay active on social media during the campaign and follow news, trends and events on social media. For example, avoid posting a happy picture of certain events such as Blackout Tuesday on social media.

  7. Get involved: it is not enough to simply publish posts. You must also show your audience that you want to communicate with them and that their opinions are important. To do this, respond to their comments and posts. Engage in these conversations. This will demonstrate your concern and make your networks more dynamic and interesting to your target audience.


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