Social media content: simple basics

We are referring to the 6 simple rules when creating content for the social media. We call them ‘3 rules of meaning’ and ‘3 rules of emotion’. We recommend our clients to tick off at least two of them when creating their social media posts to attract attention and generate engagement.


The ‘3 rules of meaning’ is about what you want to say to your audience:

  1. Be useful: communicate information that contains practical insights for your audience that they can save and use in the future.

  2. Be relevant: your brand doesn’t exist in a vacuum, show that what you are doing, or selling is relevant to what is happening in the outside world.

  3. Be controversial: who doesn’t like to be in the middle of a heated debate? Or, even better, be an external observer of a heated debate? Linking your brand to topics that generate discussions will help you to engage your audience.

The ‘3 rules of emotion’ is about what you want to make your audience feel:

  1. Evoke strong emotions: this is a very simple one, make your audience laugh, cry, get curious… any strong emotion is good.

  2. Valorise your followers: make your audience feel valued. Today you need to give people a reason to dream and at the same time help them feel good about themselves. Showing your vulnerability is the best way forward.

  3. Follow the ‘trends’: ‘trends’ that mostly come from TikTok is the blessing and the curse of the social media today. They can be great, and they can be very annoying. But the thing is they often seem to work.



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