A2MAC1 has the code to decode the future
Rigorously decoding of the world around us
A2MAC1 provides technical benchmarking services to analyse all kinds of technologies, such as cars, planes, and washing machines. Clients use these known insights to anticipate unknowable trends in their markets and to outcompete their peers.

Humans code to process the world faster
Converting information into code – writing, numbers, theorems, and so on – explains the success of humanity. We constantly code and decode the world around us. With AMAC1’s enigmatic name and specific skill set in mind, we proposed a visual identity, that’s an homage to code.

Cracking the code
The promise of the brand is visualised by the wordmark and its ‘codemark’ existing side by side, coded and decoded. This abstraction of the brand name becomes the design language.

The logo is the raw material of the entire visual identity
On a microscale, the shapes of the logo can create any type of object. It says that code can create the world you see, and it also uses less energy on screens than standard illustrations.

A low tech visual identity with ecobranding principles
Dark mode reduces power consumption on OLED. The system font, Trebuchet, is not a download font. 8-bit icons come in small files. The unicode illustrations, the technical photos, and the green filter imagery all reduce file size.

« A2MAC1’s ecobranding proves that with low data design, we don’t minimize visual impact. »
Sylvain Boyer, Royalties CD & Ecobranding founder.
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